So after numerous complaints from my wife that the music setup in our house is not user friendly for her and she can only listen to ad-hoc music from the laptop (as a iPod have a playlist synced to it) I did some research and surprisingly found that pulseaudio had a Airplay module (raop)
The Pioneer amp needed UDP and not TCP streaming as per the native module, so I had to compile and create a icon on the desktop to "click and then listen to music"
That approach is sort of user friendly (still a few clicks to swop between the two pulseaudio versions but it works) next step is to fully automate it.
The complete installation instructions can be found here :
But the steps are summarised below:
Thenyou need to configure it to discover AirPlay devices on the network
paprefs &
In the
Then I wrote a little bash script named "music on amp" with a popup instructing her what to do next.
So currently it is a "guided automation" but it works.
Desktop icon: (music_on_amp.desktop)
Bash script: (
I have added a icon & script to change the music back to the laptop (as the Pioneer kept on changing to media source when the laptop send a notification or played music)
Bash script: (
this will kill and start the original pulseaudio and set the source (sink) to the in build speakers.
The complete installation instructions can be found here :
But the steps are summarised below:
sudo apt-get install build-essential paprefs git pulseaudio-module-raop intltool sudo apt-get build-dep pulseaudio git clone cd pulseaudio-raop2 ./ CFLAGS="-ggdb3 -O0" LDFLAGS="-ggdb3" ./configure --prefix=$HOME --enable-x11 --disable-hal-compat make
Thenyou need to configure it to discover AirPlay devices on the network
paprefs &
In the
Network Access
tab, turn on Make discoverable Apple AirTunes sound devices available locally
Then I wrote a little bash script named "music on amp" with a popup instructing her what to do next.
So currently it is a "guided automation" but it works.
Desktop icon: (music_on_amp.desktop)
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Airplay Comment=Play music to Airplay enabled devices Exec=/home/user/ Icon=/home/user/Pictures/airplay.png Type=Application Name[en_GB]=Music on AMP
Bash script: (
#!/bin/bash # source installed from # kill the running pulseaudio pulseaudio -k cd ~/pulseaudio-raop2 ./src/pulseaudio -n -F src/ -p $(pwd)/src/ & zenity --info --text 'Dear wife, Please select VSX-922 on next box that will pop up and close' unity-control-center sound notify-send "Now open Amarok & Enjoy your music my love ..."
I have added a icon & script to change the music back to the laptop (as the Pioneer kept on changing to media source when the laptop send a notification or played music)
Bash script: (
#!/bin/bash # kill the running pulseaudio pulseaudio -kpulseaudio -D # to list the sink # pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'index' pacmd set-default-sink 1 pulseaudio -D notify-send "Music will play on PC."
this will kill and start the original pulseaudio and set the source (sink) to the in build speakers.
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