Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Serial console for linux - minicom

Have been using this for quite some time but never posted it on my blog, The best serial port communication program is minicom, working a charm with most USB-to-serial converters as well as x-modem

useful links:

I have found that USB to Serial converters don't play so well with Cisco Wireless Access Points, this is not a minicom issue but seems to be a USB driver and flow control issue.

Settings for WAP:

Easiest way to find the serial device in Ubuntu Server:
$ dmesg | grep tty

and application setserial can provide some detail as well; so to return information for ttyS0 to ttyS4:

sudo setserial -g /dev/ttyS[01234]

and it will return something like:

/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
/dev/ttyS2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS3, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3
/dev/ttyS4, UART: unknown, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 0

1 comment:

  1. This And That: Serial Console For Linux - Minicom >>>>> Download Now

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    This And That: Serial Console For Linux - Minicom >>>>> Download LINK

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    This And That: Serial Console For Linux - Minicom >>>>> Download Full

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