MusicBrainz Picard
Cover Art
File naming
Move files to this directory when saving:
*.jpg *.png .*.mood
note the .*.mood as the .mood files are hidden files on a linux system and that was the only way I could figure out to identify them.
Name files like this:
$set(normalbumartist,$if($eq($lower($left(%albumartist%,4)),the ),$right(%albumartist%, $sub($len(%albumartist%),4))\, The,%albumartist%))
$if($eq(%albumartist%,Various Artists), $replace(VA/%album%-$left(%date%,4)$if(%discnumber%,-Disc %discnumber%,)/$num(%tracknumber%,2) - %artist% - %title%,:,), $firstalphachar($upper(%normalbumartist%))/%normalbumartist%/%album% - $left(%date%,4) - Disc %discnumber%/$num(%tracknumber%,2) - %normalbumartist% - %title%)
This is my custom script to enforce the correct rename of files.
And will create the following examples:
/home/user/Music/B/Beatles, The/Help! - 1965 - Disc 1/07 - Beatles, The - Ticket to Ride.mp3
And as per Metadata selection for "Various Artists" the following will be done for Various Artists,
/chromaprint/fpcalc used.
I do find the following Plugins very handy:
Add Cluster As Release
Search Discogs for Release
Search with Google
To ensure proper mp3 tagging for iTunes I added the following to
Tagger Script:
$if($and($eq(%compilation%,1),$ne(%albumartist%,Various Artists)),$set(compilation,0))
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