Sunday, 17 August 2014

Searching Yes/No custom column in Calibre

Below is the correct notation to search a Yes/No custom search column for all entries that are not tagged.


Saturday, 9 August 2014

Adding Gist support to blogger dynamic view

Found this great blog post by Moski on how to embed Github gist code into blogger dynamic views

Code can be found on Github

At the end of each of your blog posts, include the  code using the HTML editor and update with your gist id's and that is it.

Arduino sample code - Serial send

Arduino code to read serial integers

Loading ....

Friday, 8 August 2014

Easy way to timestamp date on Ubuntu bash

ts from the moreutils package can be used to timestamp data:

~$ echo my_time_stamp_test | ts

Aug 08 08:09:14 my_time_stamp_test

The timestamp format can be changed as well

:~$ echo my_time_stamp_test | ts [%H.%M.%.S]

[] my_time_stamp_test

so to timestamp data collected from a serial port something like below can be used:

ts </dev/ttyS0 >arduino.log

And a true bash version :
<command> | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), $0; fflush(); }'

Thursday, 7 August 2014

A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino

Stino is a Sublime Text plugin for upload/compile arduino sketches as well as text highlighting.

This plugin can be found at Github site Will Robot or forked at Madmouser1

For manual installation, download and unzip the file.

  1. Click the menu Preferences->Browse Packages....
  2. Copy the extracted Stino folder (Stino-master) to that Packages folder.  On Ubuntu with ST3 the folder is ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/

Set the Arduino application folder

  1. Click the menu Preferences->Show Arduino Menu, Arduino Menu will appear.
  2. Click the menu Arduino->Preferences->Select Arduino Folder.
  3. Select your Arduino Application Folder in the quick panel. This is the location where is installed. (/usr/share/arduino  on Ubuntu)

To Add Libraries

Copy the library folder to the <SKETCHBOOK>/libraries/ folder.

To Add Cores

Copy the core folder to the <SKETCHBOOK>/hardware/ folder.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Netgear DL834 bridge mode

The Netgear DL834 can be configured for bridge mode (rather than routing mode) by accessing this link on the router.

http://<ip of router>/setup.cgi?next_file=mode.htm