Monday, 25 May 2009

Mythbuntu XMLTV Program Finder

Well I have made some progress,

Program Finder is working.


Important Links:

Actions followed:

  1. download xmltv listing.xml file

  2. create video source with no grabber

  3. run mythfilldatabase --file 1 listing.xml

  4. If there is only one video source the number will be 1 else lof into MySQL and find the correct video source number.

  5. Run MythTV Front and goto Program Finder

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Mythbuntu XMLTV Grabber not showing

After struggeling for some time I eventually found a way to use the tv_grab_za grabber:

  1. I downloaded the newest version from SF

  2. Delete all the grabbers not used

  3. run tv_find_grabbers

There is a timeout of 30 secs for grabbers and if there is to much of them they dont show up at all.

HTPC - Myhtbuntu

So after many years out TV has decided it is time to move on ...
And that has left me with the wonderful chance to convince my wife that it is time for a PC in the TV Room as well (that after the last comment whilst redoing the study that I need to keep in mind it is a study and not a server room :-)  )

I have started my investigation into HTPC (Home Theater PC) market with what is available and $$$, also what can be re-used from all the spares at home.

So you can expect a few more blog articles on this topic.

Important links I am busy to research:

I also thought it good to post my Geotag for further posts on localized settings and an article on Free-to-air sattelites.

Hardware used for testing:

MTV878 Capture card


So I can sucsesfully use TVTIME on the Ubuntu installation but MythTV still show "snow" when wathing live TV.

/etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml is the configuration file for tvtime

/home/[username]/.tvtime/stationlist.xml is the list of scanned channels

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Migrate / Move torrent downloads

I have two download sources for downloading torrents and wanted to move the downloads from one pc to another, so I searched google again and did not find alot so I embarked on a mission to test it.

It is indeed possible to move torrents in progress from one torrent client to another

I started a download in Ubuntu - KTorrent then moved the .torrent file together with the partly downloaded file to windows XP - BitTorrent client and opened the torrent.

BitTorrent performed a "file check" and continued the doenload as normal.

[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="BitTorrent performing file check"]BitTorrent performing file check[/caption]

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

apt-get behind proxy

THis topic have been discussed all around the web as well and there is numerious suggestions out there.

from the most popular is

  • to use Synaptic -> Administration and add your proxy details

  • download and install NTLMAPS manually, (Configure proxy in Konqueror then download and intall)

  • export http_proxy to the environmental settings

After some googling around I found this

Add the following to /etc/bash.bashrc
function myproxy(){
echo -n “username:”
read -e username
echo -n “password:”
read -es password
export http_proxy=”http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/”
export ftp_proxy=”http://$username:$password@proxyserver:8080/”
echo -e “\nProxy environment variable set to proxyserver:8080.”

Then whenever you want to set the proxy variable you just type “myproxy” at the command line.
When prompted for your proxyserver user name you type it in (you may need to type domain\\user if it’s a domain account) and then when prompted type your password (which isn’t echoed to the screen).

This will then set the environment variables, and they’ll be lost when you exit your session.
echo $http_proxy

can be used to show your proxy settings.

Easiest way to install LAMP Server in Ubuntu

I have seen numerious posts about this.

I find the easiest way to add Apache,MySQL,PHP to my Ubuntu installation is
sudo tasksel

I then select LAMP Server from the software to install and that is it.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Windows Sharepoint

Sharepoint really make the world an easier place if it is an all Microsoft environment.

So I have payed around on SharePoint created some sites and played around.
The next cahllenge is to get Microsoft Visual Studio to do my custom development on SharePoint page.

I am busy looking at

A very detailed blog on how to add a webpart can be found here:

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Welcome to my Blog

This blog will be used for all my interests and hobbies and family.

For all work related information please visit

Many Thanks