So the first step was to get LIRC up and running on Mythbuntu; this was quite easy as the default installation do enable lirc, I only selected " Enable an IR Transmitter" and selected a bogus Serial lirc device.
This created all the relevant configuration files.
I then searched the net for the lircd.conf (remote command reference file) for my spesific decoder
I did not find the spesific file but found one for the UEC DSD910 decoder.
The DSD910 remote file (general.conf):
# this config file was automatically generated
# using WinLIRC 0.6.5 (LIRC 0.6.1pre3) on Wed Sep 10 15:36:20 2003
# contributed by Guy Antony Halse <>
# brand: Multichoice
# model: DSD910
# supported devices: Digital Satellite Decoder (DSTV Decoder)
# Multichoice is a South African Satellite TV company offering their
# own branded decoders.
begin remote
name dsd910
bits 13
eps 30
aeps 100
one 962 808
zero 962 808
plead 992
gap 113485
toggle_bit 2
begin codes
power 0x000000000000160C
red 0x000000000000162C
green 0x000000000000162B
yellow 0x000000000000162A
blue 0x000000000000162E
1 0x0000000000001601
2 0x0000000000001602
3 0x0000000000001603
4 0x0000000000001604
5 0x0000000000001605
6 0x0000000000001606
7 0x0000000000001607
8 0x0000000000001608
9 0x0000000000001609
0 0x0000000000001600
radio 0x0000000000001625
tv 0x000000000000162F
mute 0x000000000000160D
teletext 0x0000000000001624
information 0x000000000000162D
up 0x0000000000001612
left 0x000000000000161D
ok 0x0000000000001622
right 0x000000000000161E
down 0x0000000000001613
menu 0x000000000000161C
exit 0x0000000000001631
tvguide 0x0000000000001635
progup 0x0000000000001620
progdn 0x0000000000001621
volup 0x0000000000001610
voldn 0x0000000000001611
end codes
end remote
This file was copied to the relevant directory in /var/lib/cache/lirc/....
The next step was to change the config in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf
#Chosen IR Transmitter
TRANSMITTER_MODULES="lirc_dev lirc_serial"
After that I started the lirc again:
sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start
This was then tested with the following command:
sudo irsend SEND_ONCE dsd910 information
This worked and showed the "information banner".
This was tested on TV1.
Still to do is to add and test TV2 ir and to enable a change channel script in Mythbuntu.