Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Geyser dripping

So it happened and as with pets and pools etc. on the worst time ever ! 30 Dec exactly, where do you get a normal shop open that sells spares at this time of the year? and I will definitely not call out an emergency plumber.

When I got into the pantry the place was under water, my first thought was that the drip try is not horizontally aligned and hence the overflow water was running into the home as I saw a little pipe outside the exterior wall as well.

Opening the geyser cover had some challenges by itself as the builders clearly never intended anyone to re-open the wooden press wood cover again (nor would I use pressed wood near water !!) at last after a big struggle I got it ripped open from all the silicon sealer used to enclose the box.

And to my SURPRISE there was no drip tray and it seems to be leaking from the element sealer. The little pipe outside the wall was directly connected to the overflow.

It is a Kwikot 150l econoflow geyser with the CODE: 04-C-5

So that relates to:
    Month of manufature
C    Year of manufacture (C = Year 2000, D = 2001 etc.)
5    Guarantee period in years

So for now I have closed the tap and is awaiting the second Jan or the hardware shops to re-open and will aquire a new seal to replace the one with. The results to follow...

Saturday, 27 December 2008

AV Component Visio Stencils

Well I have been searching for ever on the web to find some AV stencils and found an AV Components Visio diagram at Visio Guy. Many thanks and credit to Tom Underhill. You are welcome to send Tom praise and comments at

However I had a need for some more stencils / shapes / diagrams and decided as a lot of people is searching for these to publish mine online.
I have made it an external shape stencil, not the default document stencil and added an HDMI Connector, Changed the colour on the Digital RCA and added and RCA Plug for speaker inputs like Center and Sub woofer.

Please submit the diagrams and stencil additions back to me to share and add to the collection at

Yamaha RX-V350

I have made an drawing of my Yamaha RX-V350 as well.

MediaFire File storage

Friday, 26 December 2008

DSTV Looing signal

DSTV Loosing Signal

So I have been searching all over, MultiChoice forums, Google,, Sats R Us etc and I acknowledge all the people who assisted and therefore linked to some of that content if I break any licensing or copyright please let me know to correct my article.

So my summarized findings:

Alignment is very important and signal strength appears to be low at my house

LNB's just don't go faulty and is most probably not aligned properly

There are a lot of people out there that call themselves professionals or “authorized” but believe me they are not.

Patience and a structured approach helps

I will spend the rest of this article on some conflicting data I have gathered please comment on my article so that we can get the "real" answers out there...

I will start from the top, the satellite and work my way down to the TV.  

The Satellite itself:
In South Africa the Eutelsat W4 satelite at 36°East is used by DSTV now what is the real sattelite called?Eutelsat W4 /SESAT 1 at 36 deg east and it can be tracked here

 The LNB:
I will say the most important peice of equipment on the complete system. The story that you need a twin LNB for Dual View is a myth! Yes you won't be able to use interactive channels on TV2 nor does it seem like you can have channels from different polirizations on the two TVs but in principle it work.There is one important stting on the LNB and that is the skew, it will determine how many degrees it must be turned for the horizontal and vertical receivers to receive signal and as sattelite signals is directional it is very important to be 100% having said that according to what it was suppose to be and how mine is set is not the same. It was suppose to be set to 15.5° skew and is currently on 30° skew [clockwise if you are infront of the dish, it will be +- 1 o clock on your watch] 

The Dish itself:
With the dish there is two parameters alignment and size - it does seem that bigger is better but as with everything there is a acceptable size and it seem to be 90cm diamater.Alignment can be along two axis:

  • horizontal [Azimuth] aka left or right

  • vertical [ Elevation] aka up or down

In SA your dish must point North-East (36°East according to my logic if you want to be directional to a statelite at that location) but I got anything from 36 to 55° on the web. There is a website I used to show me a map of the direction I must point my dish - They were spot on 100% correct for the Azimuth. The Vertical alignment was suppose to be at 58.6°and mine is at 35°- Still to confirm the axis to work from [90° - 58.6° = 31.4] So it might well be correct.  

The Decoder and Signal Strength vs Quality
It would be my happiest day if we can clear this one up, got anything from

  • If your signal strength is bellow 82% it is as good as no signal

  • To ignore signal strength look only at signal quality

Yet again I revert to logic, Strength in my mind is suppose to give you an indication of how "good" your LNB and Dish is aligned then the quality is how much interference is between the satelite and the decoder / how good will that signal you recieve be displayd or how good it will keep on going in rainy / cloudy conditions.My current signal strength / level on horizontal polirization is 60% with a signal quality of 90%. the vertical polirization is on 72% signal level with 67% signal quality and it is working very good so var.I can report that you do lose some signal level when using a splitter, pprox. 7% in my configuration.   

Well that is it for now, will do a blog with Pictures and more structure in future on this topic but just had to get it out there before the paper in my pocket get lost. 

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Africa - Namibia

The seats to sit on:

I added some beers from a local pub in Windhoek called Joe's
Currently the weather is great there with lots of rain ....
I had a one day trip there with a pretty full day only time for one beer as everyone told me to go and visit this pub ... really something to see ...

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Tanzania - Local Beers

I almost forgot to upload the local beers, I am missing the best one of them all : Kilimanjaro !

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Tanzania - Dar Es Salaam

Some fotos I took in Dar on my trip there Middle of Feb 2008.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Swimming pool "blues"

At the moment the pool is low maintnance stabalized expenditure and guess ... Blue ;-)

Spain - Barcelona

Hi there just a quick picture of my latest trip to Spain, it was great as allways....
A local beer,friends and the airport ...

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Green Swimming Pool blues

Well I had some trouble for a while with my swimming pool, Whenever it rains I have a lovely green pond ... It takes me days and lot's of shock-it to get the water sort of blue again. As the pool is surrounded with trees I had a lot of trouble with leaves etc. in the Kreepy as well....

This went on for a while until I could not maintain either the pool or my sanity anymore and I embarked on mission : blue pool

  1. Firstly I had the problem of suction: THe Kreepy did not climb the walls anymore and all the garbage got dtuck in the diaphragma of the kreepy
    The solution to this was saturated / old filter sand and can be determined in one of 2 ways : If you start the pool motor on Filter and it pushes a lot of brown water into the pool you know it is time to replace the filter sand, secondly you can open the filter and inspect the sand if it is clogy and sticky it is time to replace the filter sand.
    This is a daunting task and 1 hint: If you do it yourself after unsrewing the lid, re-insert the screws into the filter and close the breather that way you don't struggle to get sand out of screw holes or air filters afterwards
  2. As my kreepy was so old and the physical casing (believe me I allready replaced all lose and moving parts) was falling apart it was time to buy a new kreepy,
    I bought exactly the same make/model thus giving me "spare parts" if something brakes on the new kreepy
  3. Green / Milky water
    I took a water sample to a pool shop and had them test the water for all the other stuff you can't test yourself easily (My pH or rather the pool's pH was perfect) but the water was saturated and some other balances were off : I got 2 bags of burn-out, clear tablets and chlorine:
    * Here I got a valuable tip from the pool shop, allways do these mayor filterings etc. without teh kreepy running just on filter and the weir.
    dissolved 2 packs of burn-out into 5l water and slowly released it into the weir and filter for 1 hour.
    added 2 clear tablets into weir and run filter for 4 hours
    added 1 cup of chlorine, a tumbler and filter
    The Next day I had a crystal clear pool :-)
  4. TOD4C : Time Of Day for Kreepy to run : Apparantly the best time is to run teh kreepy continious for 12 hours during daylight in the summer that way the chlorine production is helped along and some crucial chemical balances restored via the sun.